

SkyDancing Tantra Teachers

Our European community of teachers

Atisha - Antoine Dubois-Violette

Certified SkyDancing Tantra Teacher

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Antoine is passionate about human adventure and sharing. He is a trainer in relationship skills, a facilitator in collective intelligence, a coach and a counselor in psychosexology. He is also trained in NonViolent Communication, forum-theater, theater, storytelling, dance and transactional analysis. Antoine is currently training to be a therapist in different schools: Ecole de psychosexologie de Paris, Ecole de Sexologie à Orientation Gestaltiste et Self Therapie Formation.

He discovered SkyDancing Tantra in 2014. It was a revelation.
Since then he has been practicing intensely, alone and with a partner, and also through reading.
And he discovered another way of being in the world, feeling more freedom.
Tantra has been for him a path of knowledge, exploration, clarification, reconciliation, overcoming, listening to oneself, alignment, creativity, celebration, expansion...

Nowadays, he enjoys sharing the joy of being, and the inner sparkle he found in Tantra. He offers workshops and courses in which he is committed to creating a space that allows participants to dare deep contact with themselves and dare to expose themselves to their vulnerability and power. Allowing participants to experience a relationship with the world and their body which is: carnal and sensual, vibrant and ecstatic, grounded and creative. Increasing their awareness of what goes through them and what is at stake in the experiences/situations that life offers them. Being at the same time welcoming what is, and taking responsibility for the power they have in these situations.


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Certified SkyDancing Tantra Teachers in Europe

Certified Teachers are experienced and inspiring professionals who support the vision of Margot Anand and SkyDancing Tantra International. They have completed training as a SkyDancing Tantra Teacher and are members in good standing with one of the European SkyDancing Tantra Institutes or SkyDancing Tantra International.
The title of Certified Teacher was granted to them by a Certification Committee based on requirements such as (but not limited to): having attended and assisted the Love & Ecstasy Trainings and having successfully taught evening and weekend workshops based on the teachings of Margot Anand. By receiving this certification, these Teachers have agreed to comply with SkyDancing Tantra Ethical Standards and Guidelines.