

SkyDancing Tantra Teachers

Our European community of teachers

Tija Gabe

Certified SkyDancing Tantra Teacher

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Tijaa spent her youth in Berlin in the seventies and eighties. After studying engineering for five years at the Technical University, she discovered her passion for bodywork, followed various massage trainings (for instance with Diana Richardson) and started working at the Antinous Tantra Institute in Berlin-Schöneberg.

With the birth of her daughter, was also born the project of emigrating to Italy. She then lived there in close connection to nature as a self-sufficient farmer for over twenty years. This time was characterized by homeschooling, sweat lodge rituals in the woods and playing music together. The nuclear family expanded and became a rural commune.

In 2012 Tijaa discovered Skydancing Tantra and finally the different facets of her life unified and began to coexist in harmony in a larger and more integrative framework. Tantra has been accompanying her very closely ever since.

Tijaa is a certified SkyDancingTantra Teacher and is also certified in Rebalancing and Tibetan Pulsing. She loves her grandson, dancing and trees and is still living in the woods of the Apennin Mountains.


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Certified SkyDancing Tantra Teachers in Europe

Certified Teachers are experienced and inspiring professionals who support the vision of Margot Anand and SkyDancing Tantra International. They have completed training as a SkyDancing Tantra Teacher and are members in good standing with one of the European SkyDancing Tantra Institutes or SkyDancing Tantra International.
The title of Certified Teacher was granted to them by a Certification Committee based on requirements such as (but not limited to): having attended and assisted the Love & Ecstasy Trainings and having successfully taught evening and weekend workshops based on the teachings of Margot Anand. By receiving this certification, these Teachers have agreed to comply with SkyDancing Tantra Ethical Standards and Guidelines.